8 Weird Things Men Do In Office

Men may come and men may go but the weirdness and child that is hard-wired inside our brains stays constant.

Every time we feel bored or a little out of place, this mischievous little child pops out of nowhere with something so epic that MUST be accomplished at any cost. No, this does not annoy us and yes, we love him and he WILL stay. Did I mention that he is also the cause behind all the stubbornness? Whatever, here are 10 weird things that men do in office that makes the workplace a little less boring for them and people around them.

  1. Complain about Mondays


Nobody loves Mondays unless and until that is the day you receive your salary. Men stand united in this cause and simply hate Mondays – each and every Monday in the history and future of mankind. Also, Mondays rarely turn out to be productive because work can wait but if Monday gets over, when do we get to crib about Monday?

  1. Not sure what to do while standing in a lift


Trust me; this is the hardest part of going to another floor in the building. First, you are surrounded by grumpy faces, then there is nothing to do but stand, third we have hands that we have no idea where to keep and finally there are so many tempting buttons which you should not be pressing. Life in lift is hard!

  1. Type with amazingly annoying noises


Thanks to all the cartoons and superheroes, we have learnt how to save the day. These animated movies and shows have been preparing us for the day when evil strikes and if we do not type faster with a lot noise; we might end up losing the world to the devil. The world needs out fast hands and we will do anything to save the world.

  1. Weird birthday thank you


I do not get it! How ladies at my work place greet back so calmly yet excitedly when you wish them on their b’day. When people wish me on my b’day, I give them a weird smile with a half-hearted thank you that is faker than my grandpa’s fake teeth. I do it not because I am rude, but because I do not understand what to do with the wish.

  1. Finding excuses to escape meetings


Let’s face it, most of the meetings you are part of, do not even require you. In fact, you do not even speak in most of the meetings. You just sit there because you were asked by a senior staff member to attend that meeting. And when this happens and you know you have no work in the meeting, you start brainstorming for ideas (excuses) to skip such meetings and sit with a beautiful lady instead. Have you ever been able to an effective excuse? Please share with me. L

  1. Putting on perfume before meeting that office hottie


Since we are already talking about beautiful ladies in the office, let’s talk about all the things that men do in the office to look charming to the ladies. Ok, bathing in the morning is one thing, putting on good clothes is second but if (ladies, this is important) a man is putting on perfume just before meeting you for a coffee in the office canteen or a chit chat over a coffee machine, things are pretty serious on his side.

  1. Singing songs on REPEAT


We love music. We love it so much that sometimes, we cannot get rid of it. It gets stuck in our head like an old CD in a CD player. We will keep on singing just the first 2 lines of a song followed by the music. Yes, we SING music too. Unluckily for most of us, the song is the most annoying one that we picked up from the radio in the morning while commuting to work.

  1. Being extra-ordinary creative


Men are born builders. They love to create and re-create things. This is their nature. Give them some stuff and an inspiration and they will come up with something killer. For example, a 30-foot tower made out of foam glasses or a little fort on their chair with a dragon protecting their coffee mug or a storm trooper helmet made out of used use-and-throw cutlery. Imagination and creativity – you cannot take these out of a man.

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